
Ignite a Love for Reading in Your School

Join the Book Blast movement and transform your students' lives with the joy of reading. Our program partners with schools to provide students access to a diverse range of books at home, encouraging literacy, imagination, and lifelong learning.

a young girl browsing books on a shelf

Empower Your Students' Reading Journey

icon of someone reading

Create Reading Culture

Partner with us to create an exciting reading program that engages every student and ignites a passion for books.

icon of a book with magical effects coming from it

Lasting Impact

Help your students build their own home libraries. Watch as their confidence grows and their love for reading flourishes.

icon of a star being held aloft by hands

Easy but Powerful

Our tailored programs seamlessly integrate into your school's schedule, maximizing student participation and enthusiasm.

Inspire Reading

We partner with schools and childcare centers to foster a love for reading in children. Our programs are designed to make books accessible, engaging, and fun for students of all ages.

children sitting crosslegged reading books on the library carpet

Elementary Schools

We work with elementary schools (PK-8) to provide a diverse range of books that captivate young readers, encouraging lifelong literacy habits and academic success.

a teacher reading a book to children sitting in a circle

Childcare Centers

Want to get kids excited about reading from the start? Our childcare program brings fun, new books to your childcare center. This early start helps kids fall in love with reading.

icon of a hand holding a book

4+ Million Books Distributed

Since inception 3 years ago, Book Blast has distributed over 4 million books.

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800K+ Home Libraries

To date, over 800,000 students have started or expanded their personal libraries.

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3,200 Schools & Growing

Each school year, thousands of schools are turning to Book Blast to build literacy.

In The News

Hear from Educators Like You

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Book Blast available to all schools? 

If a school has elementary-aged kids, then yes! Book Blast is available.  

What does the program cost?

Our program is completely free for schools, and we provide all the necessary materials. 

What does our school need to provide?

Everything needed for the program is provided to the school in advance and at no cost. Books Are Fun is committed to your success.

We’re busy! How much work does the team at the school have to do? 

We know you're busy, so we've made this easy for you and your team. The Book Blast program is designed to be simple and efficient, minimizing the effort required from the school staff.

Is this like a book fair?

Not at all. Book Blast helps ensure all students have books and all students can participate in the joy of receiving exciting books even if their family is unable to afford books. Students also all earn the same books, creating a shared excitement for reading.

Some of our families can’t afford books right now, are they excluded from Book Blast? 

Absolutely not. Every student at your school is guaranteed at least one new, age-appropriate book when your school decides to have a Book Blast, regardless of their family's economic situation. 

Is Book Blast available for Middle Schools and High Schools? 

Currently, we specialize in Elementary Schools and Child Care Centers. However, we are testing a middle school program. Please let us know if you'd like to hear more about it.

Plan Your Literacy Event

Educators and Administrators, are you interested in getting your students more books and building their love of reading at no cost to your school? We can’t wait to show you how.

Recent Blog Posts

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